Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Coup de cheveux francais!

Today I took a GIANT leap of faith and decided to get my hair cut! It was definitely necessary (those of you with short hair can attest to the 8-week point where you just start freaking out) but of course there's always apprehension even when your hairstylist speaks your language :) I found a shiny, nice looking place literally around the corner from school yesterday, and they offer a student discount - 36 euro for a wash, cut and dry (shampooing, coupe, brushing as they call it) which is great compared to other prices I've seen but definitely took it out of the realm of the "cheap haircut." Because I get a whopping 2 hours for lunch (which in France is not just a privilege, but a dearly held "right" of the entire population), I went to the coiffeurie (hair salon) which was empty besides the two male stylists and sat down with a coiffeur (hair stylist). He was a young man with cornrows so I was a little nervous, but he looked very confident and was friendly so I decided to just go for it. I showed him photos of Victoria Beckham - who I don't really like but I love her hair - and tried my best to explain what I wanted. I did better than I expected, but I still realized that there were noticeable gaps in my vocabulary relating to hair cutting and styling... Anyway long story short, the haircut went great - and fast! only 45 minutes to get out the door - and I got to pamper myself a little :) Also learned how to say lisser (to straighten with a flat iron), fixer (to hairspray) and a few other useful tidbits. Yay for me! I even managed to have what I'm sure sounded to him like a pitifiul conversation, but it's always fun/embarassing to try! Pictures to come soon :)


About Me

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Exploring the city, earning my doctorate in physical therapy, sometimes sleeping and always baking! Life is a little crazy but always good - one of the things that make it all worth it is playing in my kitchen and sharing the results with the people I love.


Background by Jennifer Furlotte / Pixels and IceCream